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Ethan Gordon Photography Workshops

Boston Sea Rovers - March 6th, 2011
Improving Your Digital Underwater Photography – Share and Learn

Getting a good exposure is the key to taking better images. In this workshop, photojournalist Ethan Gordon, will go over the finer details on obtaining the perfect exposure with your digital camera underwater. Topics covered will include: understanding histograms, getting the perfect ambient light exposure, balancing strobe with ambient light, and off-camera lighting. Ethan will analyze in detail several of his own images to explain the process of ‘getting the perfect exposure.’ Then Ethan will analyze one image volunteered by each participant to provide everyone with useful tips that will help him or her become better underwater photographers. There’s nothing like having your own images analyzed by a pro.

This workshop will benefit any digital underwater photographer, from beginner to intermediate, point and shoots to DSLRs.

Please submit your image by email prior to the clinic if possible. Otherwise, bring your image on a USB drive to the workshop.  It is best to bring the original image file, prior to any adjustments you may have made. However, if you’d like to bring an adjusted file in addition, that would be OK. It’s not necessary to volunteer an image for analysis if you don’t feel like it. You can benefit by watching others’ images be analyzed.

This workshop will be limited to a maximum of 20 people, so reserve your space today.

Register and pay securely via PayPal. If you are signing up for more than one person, at checkout, change the quantity to the number of people that will be attending. You'll be contaced later for their names. Thank you.

Cost: $35